Saturday, June 8, 2013

In Which I’m Metacognizant? See Also: That Means You, TOK.

I’m baaaaack.

It’s the end of the school year. I was busy. Moving on.

It’s probably time that I explain the (obscure?) acronym that has appeared in several a post.


Are you ready? I’m not sure I am.

TOK, Theory of Knowledge. For those of you who aren’t in the SuperSecretBoyband club of IB, (International Baccalaureate. Acronyms, acronyms, acronyms!) Theory of Knowledge is a required course that all Diploma students must take. We mused about how we know what we know, sense perception, language, the occasional travel experience, emotions, and the like.

Depending on the day, it was either the most interesting, fun-time-discussing, get-to-argue-about-philosophical-concepts-ing, mind-blowing class ever … or it was the devil incarnate. (Sorry, Mr. "K." I really liked the class. I really did. Most days.)

Anyways, I’ve been thinking about thinking, and it’s confuzzling (<--technical term) me. That's the problem with taking TOK. You start thinking. And then you kind of can't stop, which is good, because then there are always questions to be asked and concepts to be discovered. Except that sometimes you (read: I) just don't know, it becomes a bit much. For example (A real, specific example, Mr. "K."! I'm finally getting the hang of this! After...the term...finishes. Oops.), I have also been thinking about how my thinking will be changed by going to Morocco, which is interesting and a tad bit scary. And I don't have the answers.

How will Morocco change the way I see the world? What new things will I notice? What will I brush over that I used to make a big deal about? What about myself will I discover, hate, love, appreciate, change? Will how I know be altered irrevocably? (Probably.) What happens once I’ve changed, and I get back and realize that everything stayed the same? What then?

You know, it’s the end of school. Can I please try to avoid the implications of these for now? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Genevieve! Ha! Like the post. This means you're doing it right!
