Monday, May 6, 2013

Here Comes the IB English Kid... overanalyze everything. It’s what I’ve been trained to do for the past, oh, 17 years. (I jest. Sort of.)

So I figured that the title, From Souk to Nafs deserved a bit of an explanation.

I’m sure a lot of native English speakers are familiar with the expression From Soup to Nuts.

Soup to Nuts: American English idiom meaning, more or less, from beginning to end, and anything to everything.
After a lot (And I mean a lot. See: number of times Edison tried unsuccessfully to create the light bulb) of failed names and general debate about the name of The Blog (as I affectionately—or perhaps not-so-affectionately—dubbed it during the creative process), we arrived at From Souk to Nafs, which is, of course, a play on the aforementioned expression From Soup to Nuts.

Arbitrary Arabic words stuffed into an English expression because they sound the part?

How little faith you have in me.

Haven’t I already told you that I overanalyze? Everything?

(I have.)

So, we have From Souk to Nafs, my lovely blog title.

Some of you may be aware that a souk is an open-air marketplace found in various Middle Eastern countries, for example, (*ahem, ahem*) Morocco.

Nafs is translated as soul, self, psyche, or ego.

We now have a marketplace and a soul, and I’m sure some of you are thinking What the heck? Where are you going with this, Genevieve? And you are perfectly sane in thinking so.

Surface level: What could possibly be more opposite/different than a marketplace and a soul, just as soup to nuts seems rather arbitrary?

My actual reasoning: My exchange is going to encompass a lot, and right now, the possibilities are unrestricted: they can be everything and anything. It can be as wide and diverse as the marketplace is from the soul. On one end, there is the bustling, crowded, lively marketplace with a hundred little vendors. A perfect cacophony of the thrums of life and people and newness. And on the other, there is a quiet, introspective entity that only I can access. A tranquil, reflective part of myself that is removed from the beautiful noise of life. I will experience them both—they are not just symbols—this hub of people and this awareness of my own being. I hope that I will not just experience the flurry of new people and new places. I hope that I will be able to grow, but also ground myself, and discover bits about myself that I have never before uncovered or understood. I have heard that these exchanges change people, and even though it scares me a little bit, I am ready to change, to find those bits of myself, and have a deeper awareness.

And so my journey will take me from what seems to be the active center of everything to the recesses of my own soul/conscious/self/etc and everywhere in between. Soup to nuts, souk to nafs.

Maybe I’m not explaining this right. Maybe this makes absolutely no sense at all. Maybe it only makes sense in my head. But that’s okay.

Because that’s the only place that it needs to. ;) 

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